Meet Chisomo: a young teen mother shining in school

In the year 2019, a 14-year-old Chisomo from Nalikata Village in Mulanje district got pregnant while preparing for her final primary school examinations. While she was devastated as the circumstances surrounding her pregnancy were that she was raped by unknown person, Chisomo managed to write her examinations.

The elders of her family discussed and agreed that since the family was poor, Chisomo should get married to another man. Her mother reluctant to see her young daughter sent into the ruins of a forced teen marriage, came to Otharkahaka Foundation to share Chisomo’s story. She had heard that Othakarhaka Foundation promotes girls’ right to education.

When Chisomo’s mother narrated her daughter’s story, it touched the Executive Director of Othakarhaka Foundation Ida Puliwa. Othakarhaka Foundation came forward to pledge to help Chisomo go back to school. Coincidentally, Chisomo passed her final primary school examinations with flying colors and she was selected to Chikhwaza boarding Secondary School in Mulanje District.

Chisomo was given a full education scholarship for girls in the year 2021. Her child has been under the custody of her single mother since and Othakarhaka Foundation also assists with basic child support.

4 years later since she was rescued, Chisomo is preparing for the 2024 final year of secondary school examinations and is among the star students in her class. She dreams of becoming a pharmacist.

Chisomo’s story happens to many young girls in Malawi many whom unfortunately end up being married off. We are proud that our existence is helping shape stories of change, empowering girls in rural communities through education.

We appreciate the priceless work of our Partners I Demand Access whose mission is to empower rural girls who are often marginalized and not supported to pursue education. with their help, we have been able to sponsor over 500 girls in different secondary schools among which 187 girls were rescued from forced marriages

You could also be part of our mission as many girls in rural Malawi struggle to get educated by partnering with us. Send us an email to You can also donate any amount towards our initiatives here.

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Passing on the kindness is transforming communities in Malawi.

Othakarhaka Foundation
Chitakale-Phalombe road near Chambe Secondary school P.O Box 150, Mulanje, Malawi
Call: +265881 15 35 13

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